Welcome to the Sounds Like a Search and Rescue Podcast! Also known as SLASR. Join an experienced search and rescue volunteer and his friend as they discuss all things related to hiking and search and rescue in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This week, we welcome back Brittany from the Taylor James Steeves foundation. Brittany is gearing up for another event to support the foundation so we reconnect to find out how we can help out. There is drama in the Himalayas - a sherpa is left dead on K2 and western climbers are seen climbing over the body, lots of back and forth on the incident so we will break it down. Recent hike on the Moat Mountain range, a tragedy in Franconia Falls, a fatality on Mount Madison and catching up on a lot of recent search and rescue news.
This weeks Higher Summit Forecast
About the TJS Foundation
Window Cling Order Form
Higher Summits Forecast
SLASR Podcast - Verbal tics
Mike - inneresting, Exactly, From your perspective,
Stomp - OK, So…yeah, What do you think mike?
Other - like, umm, super cool, very cool ( Email from listener)
Housekeeping - no show over labor day
K2 Mountaineering Drama
Northeast 115 Thru Hike
Fish and Game is hiring
Hampton Liquor Store
Meteor showers
Animals gone wild
The Yellowstone Death Zone
Jigger Johnson Race is this weekend
Moat Mountain Hike and origin of the name Moat
Stomp is still injured
Guest of the Week - Brittany from TJS Foundation
Tay’s Summit Challenge
Looking back at some old stories from Episode 70
Recent Search and Rescue news - Fatalities on Madison and Franconia Falls
Show Notes
Colorado - well known climber injured (thanks to AL)
10 Essentials Links
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